Japan Travel Specialist
When it comes to planning your trip to Japan, don't get overwhelmed in all the guides books and searching on the internet. Contact me, your Japan Travel Specialist when it comes to traveling in Japan!

Choosing the right vacation is an important decision. Choosing the right person to help you  is an even bigger one. Don't leave your vacation to Japan to some agent who "thinks" they know Japan and who has never  been there. Insist on a travel specialist...a Japan Travel Specialist.

Whether business or pleasure, Japan Travel Specialist delivers. My years of experience in the industry will help you design the perfect traveling experience in Japan. All tours are customized to meet your needs and interests, and offers the best customer service around. Let someone who is experienced in traveling throughout Japan handle all the details and make one memorable trip to Japan. Traveling to Japan does not need to be stressful before you even leave because of the language barrier, and lack of knowledge about the destination. You can count on me for great value and dependable service.

Join me and leave the planning to the Japan Travel Specialist!

What I offer-

  • 1/2 Day to Full Day tours of Tokyo (host of 2020 Summer Olympics)
  • Factory Tours (Within Tokyo Vicinity)
  • Translation and Guide Services
  • Itinerary Consultation

Creating memorable vacations to Japan is my goal. Having lived in Japan for over 8 years and worked for the tourism bureau of Japan (JNTO), please feel at at ease to know you are in good hands when it comes to traveling in Japan. 

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